Test Flight Build

We're almost there!

Build Project to Xcode

You will not be able to interact with Triumph in the Unity Editor. Test your integration once your game is exported to Xcode. We're working to add Unity Editor support soon.

  1. Make sure in your Build Settings that you are targeting your game for mobile release. You may get a warning message about required versions. Click 'ok'.

  2. Build the project, which will prompt you to create a new folder where the Xcode project will live. Note: this part installs many of our dependencies, and may take quite a few minutes.

  3. Navigate to the folder your project built to, and click on the .xcframework file to open your project in Xcode.

  4. Now, you should be able to build and run your game on your iPhone, and interact with Triumph.

You should now be able to summon the Triumph UI, play a game, and see your results.

Test Flight Build

In order to test your integration before going live, we require you to distribute a test flight version of your game to us. We will check that (i) your game runs, (ii) payment processing with Apple Pay is set up, (iii) all tournament modes function as expected, and (iv) RNG has been implemented properly. This build should be the same one you submit to the App Store.

Testing Your Integration

Before submitting to Test Flight, test the following pieces of your integration.

Log in Flow

Log in with your test credentials You will not be able to access Triumph real money outside of your test credentials until your application is approved by Triumph.


Navigate to the deposit page, and try depositing 5$. The payment should go through, and your balance should increment.


Go to the main tournaments tab, and enter a tournament. When you click play, you should be brought to a matching screen, and when you hit play you should see a countdown. When the countdown finishes, your game should be started. When you lose the game, Triumph should properly resummon and show the appropriate score. Make sure that the Triumph primary and secondary labels are hooked up correctly.


If your game utilizes any element of randomness, RNG synchronization should be enforced. With the test credentials you're using, the random seed for each game will be the same. Play another tournament, and keep track of any elements of randomness. This should be the same between games. For example, in a brick breaker game, the configuration of bricks should be the exact same every time you play. In production, the random seed will be different for each game -- this is just to test that all is hooked up properly.

Blitz Mode

Blitz mode will not be properly configured yet. This is OK. Do not worry if you see only scores of 0 in blitz mode.

Profile Updating

Profile updating (accessed via the settings tab) will NOT work until your game has been approved by Triumph. Do not worry about this.

Submitting to Test Flight

Create App Bundle ID

To submit to test flight, first, navigate here to create a bundleID for your app. Choose any identifier you'd like, and select the capabilities App Attest, Apple Pay Payment Processing, and Push Notifications. Click Continue and register.

Create Application in App Store Connect

Now, navigate to App Store Connect. Click on My Apps and click +. Give your app a display name, and choose the bundleID you just created.

For the SKU, you can choose any identifier string.

Archive Application

Now, open Xcode and select the target Any iOS Device. Note, if you are on the new M1 architecture, there will be (arm64) appended to the name.

Next, make sure that you have chosen a proper version in Info.plist for your build. Choose whatever version number you'd like.

Finally, make sure the bundleID you made in the previous step is the same as the bundleID under Signing and Capabilities. This is how the build will be associated with the app you created on App Store Connect.

Now, go to Product -> Archive in the menu, and select Archive.

The archiving process will take a few minutes. When archiving is complete, you will see the following screen.

Click Distribute App, and click App Store Connect and Upload for the next prompts, and click Next.

Finally, click upload!

Now, wait about an hour, and then go back to App Store Connect.

Add Triumph as Internal Tester

Go to App Store Connect, and click on Users and Access. Add integrations@triumpharcade.com as a test user. Click Invite. Make sure you select your app under Apps so we have access to your app!

Triumph Review

To review your build, we will check the steps outlined above along with your compliance checklist. If we find no issues, we will mark your game as ready to go live.

You will hear from us within 1-3 business days with either changes to the integration our confirmation that you can move on to the next steps.

Next Steps

Follow the best practice guidelines on the App Store Submission page to sumbit your build to the app store.

Last updated